Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fitness Friday

Why do diets fail?  Because in the long run, they are not sustainable.  They are often restrictive, and make people miserable, or suffer.  Weight loss does not have to equal suffering.  Try switching your approach from restricting yourself to enjoying your food and following a nutrition plan that you can sustain that is based on healthier habits, such as swapping calorie/sugar high soda for water. 
The Diet Fix- Dr. Yoni Freedhoff

We’re all unique. There’s no one-size-fits all rule!  Find what works for you in terms of what you eat, why you eat, how you eat, & how much you eat!
Then you can start to think about when you eat.
Nutrient Timing?- Precision Nutrition

I want you to take on this challenge.  It seems most of us, we crap on ourselves on an almost daily basis.  Take this 10 question quiz, keep your results, and then work on the challenge for the next 28 days.
28 Day Love your Body Challenge- Molly Galbraith
Then start with Day 1!

Weekend Workout Tip:
More is not necessarily better.  Better is better.  If you're having a hard time getting through workouts, are sluggish, or just aren't seeing results, its quite possible you are not recovering well enough.  Adjust your training strategy, take a few days off, adjust your nutrition plan(maybe you're not eating enough), and SLEEP!!

When I say sleep, I mean restful, all the way through the night 7-8 hours of sleep with ZERO interruptions!!

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