Sunday, June 9, 2013

Motivational Monday

I love hockey!!!  They quite possibly could be the toughest athletes out there.

We all hit our moments where we struggle, we become weak, fatigued, ready to give up, throw in the towel, and quit.  It is at those moments where you have to dig deep, find that inner strength, that inner voice that keeps pushing you forward and get through any obstacle in front of you.

If you're not that big of a hockey fan, or sports fan, just watch how deep Gregory Campbell digs to get through his penalty kill shift.  All on a broken leg.  Not once did he give up, or leave his teammates hanging.

Like I said, you just have to find that inner strength sometimes and give it everything you got!!

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”
- Mahatma Gandhi

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