Sunday, March 30, 2014

What's Your Time Worth?

Each day you wake up, you only get 84,600 seconds.  That's 1,440 minutes.  24 hours.

How exactly are you going to spend those precious seconds? Wasting it on nonsense?  Wasting it on garbage?
Or are you using it wisely?  Using those seconds to serve a purpose?  Using those seconds towards your WHY?
Towards that reason you pop out of bed, towards that reason you go to the gym, even when you don't quite feel like it, towards that reason that you do what you do each and every single day.

How are you spending your time?

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fitness Friday

What would it take to get you to commit to a lifestyle of exercise and proper nutrition?  What would it take for a loved one, a friend, a co-worker?  All of the long term health benefits may have zero effect on whether someone takes on a healthier life.  Show them the short term, immediate benefits and you may have a chance.  We live in a "now" world, where everything had to be done yesterday, so this makes sense. 
Changing Tune on Exercise

We posted this article on our Facebook page and got a great response from it, so we wanted to post it again.  Starvation isn't the answer.  Low calorie isn't necessarily the answer either, nor is the BS marketing that plays on low cal = best.  The most powerful picture in this entire article is the girl at 3 different weights, but looking her best at the highest of the 3 weights (further showing that scale # is garbage).  Eat lots of whole foods, train smart and hard, and most of all don't be afraid to build muscle. 
1,200 Calories

We often get wrapped up in doing certain things to ourselves that we know we shouldn't, but we end up doing them anyway.  Have you ever done anything like that?  On this list, #12 hits close to home as does #28. 
Stop Doing These to Yourself

We love deadlifts.  Have you noticed?  It has so many benefits, such as strengthening the whole body in a big way and teaching the body how to move.  Most of all, anyone can pretty much deadlift in one way or another.  Want a stronger core?  Deadlift.  Want to look awesome?  Deadlift.  Want leaner legs and shredded abs? Deadlift!
Oh and deadlifting is great for shedding lbs. via fat loss.  Heavy-ass lifting induces a growth hormone response, which increases the use of fat for energy.  Poof, fat loss!!

Weekend Workout

Pick a variation, straight bar, hex bar, sumo, conventional, and work on your pulling. 

Start off with 50 bird/dog reaches & 50 dead bugs to warm up, then hit those lifts. 

Start off in a rep range of 5-8. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Motivational Monday

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
What are you going to do today that will take you closer to your goals?  Are you going to take that first step towards what you want? 
Take that first step, that bold choice to begin whatever it is you want, and pursue your dream, pursue your goal!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Fitness Friday

Do you find that you compare yourself to other people on a constant basis?  Why is that?  It never works out in your favor, and in the end, leaves you feeling crappy.  So why do it?  Here's what I want you to do:  Make a set of rules for yourself to live by that makes you feel good, that makes you happy.  Be proud of who you are, be proud of all your accomplishments.
Rules- Nia Shanks

Eating before a workout or before a race is essential.  You want to fuel yourself.  Just make sure you're taking in the right foods.
Pre-activity Food

What does a portion look like?  Luckily Precision Nutrition put out a quick little guide to help you along, just in case you're struggling with figuring that out.

Weekend Workout-

Goblet Squat - 8-12
Push-ups- Max Effort
Pull-ups- 8-12
Reverse Lunges- 12 ea leg
Single Leg Glute Bridges - 15 ea leg
TRX Rows- 15
Plank- 30-60 seconds
Supermans- 15

Go for 3-5 rounds.  Make it challenging, especially on the Squats and Lunges.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Motivational Monday

“The distance between who I am and who I want to be is separated only by my actions.”
We all have goals, we all have dreams.  What are you going to do to get there?  What is your plan?  What is it going to take for you to get from where you are now to where you want to be?  What has to happen?
To get where I want to go, I'm going to work, I'm going to hustle, I'm going to do everything I can to reach the goals I have set in front of myself. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fitness Friday

Why do diets fail?  Because in the long run, they are not sustainable.  They are often restrictive, and make people miserable, or suffer.  Weight loss does not have to equal suffering.  Try switching your approach from restricting yourself to enjoying your food and following a nutrition plan that you can sustain that is based on healthier habits, such as swapping calorie/sugar high soda for water. 
The Diet Fix- Dr. Yoni Freedhoff

We’re all unique. There’s no one-size-fits all rule!  Find what works for you in terms of what you eat, why you eat, how you eat, & how much you eat!
Then you can start to think about when you eat.
Nutrient Timing?- Precision Nutrition

I want you to take on this challenge.  It seems most of us, we crap on ourselves on an almost daily basis.  Take this 10 question quiz, keep your results, and then work on the challenge for the next 28 days.
28 Day Love your Body Challenge- Molly Galbraith
Then start with Day 1!

Weekend Workout Tip:
More is not necessarily better.  Better is better.  If you're having a hard time getting through workouts, are sluggish, or just aren't seeing results, its quite possible you are not recovering well enough.  Adjust your training strategy, take a few days off, adjust your nutrition plan(maybe you're not eating enough), and SLEEP!!

When I say sleep, I mean restful, all the way through the night 7-8 hours of sleep with ZERO interruptions!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Motivational Monday

Change is simple, but it isn't easy.

'Everything you need, to get everywhere you need to be, is already inside you.  But without a strong desire to know or learn something, we will never experience the change we so desperately say we want." -Eric Thomas

What's the number one goal of most gym goers?  To lose weight and change their body.  That ability to change ones body is already inside them.  They have all the tools to make it happen, but do they have that strong desire?  You can say you want change, you can say you want to lose "x" amount of weight, but that desire has to be there. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Fitness Friday

Food labels are in for a big change and it looks awesome.  No longer will "calories from fat" be listed, but "added sugar will be listed.  That's a major step being that we've learned that added sugar is more of a problem than eating fats.  We all need some levels of fat in our diet for many reasons, namely immune health and the ability to produce certain hormones.

After an awesome workout, there are definitely things you want to do after and things you want to avoid.  Try to avoid these common mistakes that may be hindering your progress.

We love push-ups!  We love all sorts of variations of them as well.  Here are 82 variations on the push-up that are sure to make you feel great!

When you start to do repetitive movements along with being dehydrated, you set in motion a cycle that could lead to injury.  The key is making sure you stay ahead of the curve by taking care of your body through proper nutrition, hydration, and foam rolling/massage.  We happen to have an LMT on staff to take care of our clients, so that we avoid running into injury problems. 
Weekend Workout
Try some of the push-ups.  Challenge yourself!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Motivational Monday

I've been listening to a lot of Eric Thomas lately, reading through one of his books, and I have to see, he is straight up inspirational and motivational.  If you're looking for something to light a fire under your butt, download his mix tapes, read his books, find any quotes by him.  You wont be disappointed. 

"Only those who risk going too far, can possibly find out how far one can go." -Eric Thomas

You can go further than you think you can, push harder than you think, get to that next level.  Don't sell yourself short.  Give it everything you got!! 

Push it, see how far you can go, see what you can accomplish when you don't hold yourself back, when you put it all out there on the table.  Don't hold anything back!!